Wednesday 12 December 2012


In the west, where the accepted ethos governing the individual behaviour is ‘liberalism’, sex is generally considered to be a private matter between individuals. Although they still believe that individuals should abide by ‘ethics’ of sex they do not see law playing a significant role in regulating sex in the society. The one principle they uphold above everything else is ‘consent’. The sole duty of the law in this regard, as it were, is to distinguish the acts which are mutually consensual from acts in which one party is non-consenting. In situations where there is mutual consent law only intervenes if one party is considered to be incapable of granting autonomous consent as a matter of public policy.

Our society cannot be considered as a western standard liberal society. Therefore, we cannot expect same ethos from our people. We still do not consider even the consensual sexual behaviour as a purely a private affair.  Homosexuality even between consenting adults is still frowned upon. The law books still prohibits homosexuality under the law of ‘act of gross indecency between persons’ although it is rarely used. Although society no longer believe, I assume, that non-vaginal sex is unnatural our law still considers, at least on the book, only natural sexual intercourse is vaginal. However, our society and the criminal justice system regard the difference between the consensual and non-consensual act very seriously too.

Under Sri Lankan Sex Law following sexual acts are considered as criminal offences

1.       Any sexual act, which may range from ‘unwelcome sexual advances by words’ (Section 345 Sexual Harassment) to penetration of the vagina with the penis, if one party is non-consenting. (Sections 363, 364 A(1), 365, 365 (A), 365 (B) and 345)

2.       Certain sexual acts are considered criminal even if the act is consensual e.g. Incest, unnatural offences [Sex with animal, anal, oral and inter-crural intercourse(?)] and acts of gross indecency between persons (homosexuality). (Sections 364 A(1), 365 & 365(A)) 

(Unnatural offences are defined in the penal code as follows. Whoever voluntary has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal....Section 365.) 

(Carnal intercourse is same as ‘sexual intercourse’. The word carnal is an ‘old fashioned word’ used to minimise the undesirable connotation of the word ‘sexual’.) 

3.        Even consensual vaginal sexual intercourse will become unlawful when the woman  

a.       Is under 16 years
b.      Is of unsound mind
c.       Is in a state of intoxication induced by drug or alcohol
d.      Consented while being in detention (lawful or unlawful)
e.      Consented after use of force, intimidation, threat of being detained or because some other person (e.g. a relative of the victim) was threatened to be killed or hurt (Sections 363 and 365(A))
f.        When done with a woman when she consented to the act thinking the offender is her lawful husband e.g. in child marriages widely practised in India, a man would return to village after many years of being in a city and claim that he is the husband of a woman, who got married when she was a child and has not seen her husband for many years.(Section 363) 

4.       Grave sexual abuse (section 365 B) consists of any act, which uses genitals or any other part of the human body or any instrument on any orifice or part of the body of any other person and does not amount to ‘rape’.
This will be unlawful only if done

a.       Without consent
b.      With the consent but it was obtained by use of force, threat, or intimidation or putting another person in fear of death or hurt
c.       With consent but it was obtained while in unlawful detention
d.      With consent but it was obtained at a time when the other person in unsound mind or state of intoxication induced by drugs or alcohol. 

5.       Vaginal sexual intercourse done with a woman, who is his wife, not judicially separated and over 12 years of age is not considered to be unlawful(Section 363) 

6.       Having vaginal sexual intercourse with his wife, who is judicially separated without her consent, is unlawful.(Section 363)
Explanation of words
Vaginal Sexual Intercourse
Traditionally it is defined as inter-labial penetration of vagina with a penis. (If the tip of the penis went through the two ‘lips’ of labia majora it will be considered as vaginal sexual intercourse for the legal purposes. How to prove it by medical evidence is altogether a different matter.)
Sexual acts covered in Grave Sexual Abuse
If somebody used their genitals or any other part of the body or any instrument on any orifice or part of body of any person in an act which does not amount to ‘Rape’ is considered to have committed ‘grave sexual’ offence if done without the consent of the other person and in certain other situations given above.
‘Rape’ is a legal term. The court decides whether the act of vaginal penile penetration of the woman was an act of ‘rape’ after a clinical trial. To come to that conclusion the condition laid down under the section 363 should be fulfilled.
In the same way, court will decide the alleged act on a woman or man is constituted ‘grave sexual abuse’ under the section 365 (B).
Unnatural Offences
All the sexual acts except the vaginal sexual intercourse between a man and a woman are considered unnatural sexual acts.
Acts of gross indecency between persons
This means homosexual acts between persons.
Some of the important legal points
1.       Physical injuries to the body are not essential to prove that sexual intercourse took place without consent.
2.       A boy under 12 years of age is incapable of committing rape.
3.       Incest is defined as sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. The parties, with whom having sexual intercourse is considered as incest, are defined in the Penal Code under section 364 A (1).
4.       Sexual harassment can be committed by words and actions causing sexual annoyance or harassment to another person.
5.       Punishment for rape is more

a.       If done by a public officer or person in authority if the woman is detained or wrongfully restrained
b.      If done by a person in the management team or staff of a remand home, other place of custody, or any woman or children institution
c.       If done by a person who is in a management or staff of a hospital
d.      If commits rape knowing the woman is pregnant
e.      If commits on a woman under the age of 18 years
f.        If commits on a woman who is mentally or physically disabled
g.       If commits gang rape
h.      Incestuous rape
i.         If commits grave sexual abuse on a person under 18 years
Priyanjith Perera

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