Tuesday 11 December 2012

A scene of a murder: a proper investigation

A scene of murder. Note how it has been cordoned-off by the police using 'do not cross' tape. At the far end you can see the 'team' is getting ready to enter wearing protective clothes and awaiting 'crime scene manager's' permission. Isn't it remarkable that there is not a single soul who is not wanted there?

The same scene of crime with the 'tape'. Where are the journalists? They are there but you cannot see them as they are not allowed to come closer to the scene. They may be hovering over the scene in a chopper!

Inspection of every inch is important. On the window pane you can see a hole with radiating breaks. It is a 'bullet' hole. According to the ballistic experts it has been shot from inside. Do you have a clue how they came to that conclusion?

This is the entrance to the flat. You can see plastic pedestals lying on the floor. The visitors are supposed to walk on them. By doing so they would not contaminate the scene. For instance, if somebody walks on this they might destroy the foot prints and obliterate the stains.

The same procedure is adopted in side the living room.

A sofa in the living room. What is on it? Do yo see a small black dot? It is a spent bullet
Deceased lying on the floor in the living room. What is on the floor closer to his left arm? It is an empty cartridge. There is blood on the floor. A drop of blood on the hand. What can you say about them?
NEXT: What are questions the police will ask from you after the examination of this murder scene?

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